A reminder to get your feedback on the Specialist Breed Panel to the secretary by 20th October. The following email was sent out to all branch secretaries on 6th September 2016
Effective immediately the NZDJA have suspended
Breed Specialist, Section 6, Sub section 4, Sub section C
This suspension is due to concerns raised that candidates entering the judging world by this Section of Regulation are qualified to judge internationally with very limited judging experience. Once qualified and having judged the breed only once in New Zealand, that judge is then free to accept overseas appointments. Inexperience may inhibit the performance of the judge, which can be detrimental to both the reputation of the judge concerned and also NZDJA.
Consideration could be given to ensuring a minimum number of dogs must be judged in New Zealand before international appointments can be accepted. Or a maximum number of dogs able to be judged overseas in one appointment?
The Board wish to make changes to this section and require your feedback please share this email to your group and ask them to provide feedback no later than 20th October 2016.